Online color chart

Online color chart

If you have trouble deciding on color arrangement, use this online chart.
With this chart, you will be able to find the optimal color right away.
■ Online color chart
horizontal axis
vertical axis
Adjust saturation %
RGB 255,255,255
HSL 255,255,255
Now loading...

Using the color chart

Select a color you like from the list displayed on-screen.
color chart
By clicking a color, its data will be shown on-screen.
Color data

Customizing the color chart

When you set the horizontal axis of the color chart as hue, and the vertical axis as luminance
You can adjust the saturation of the displayed color using the slider on the color chart.
hue luminance
When you set the horizontal axis of the color chart as hue, and the vertical axis as saturation
You can adjust the luminance of the displayed color using the slider on the color chart.
hue saturation
When you set the horizontal axis of the color chart as saturation, and the vertical axis as luminance
You can adjust the hue of the displayed color using the slider on the color chart.
saturation luminance